Sunday, September 15, 2024

Two Weeks of the IS101 Journey and Using Hyperlink in Emails

The first two weeks in IS101 have been challenging. Missing the first 20 minutes of the lecture set me off on the wrong foot, leaving me scrambling to catch up, especially during those initial weeks. Thankfully, with the support of our compassionate lecturer, Mr. Albert Wu, and the online Webex sessions, I'm steadily getting back on track. Despite the rocky start with the enormous workload, I'm catching up. Much of the content aligns with what I already know from basic computer use, but I'm also picking up new skills every day. It's an interesting journey, and I'm committed to seeing it through. "It will be tough, I know! The road will be muddy and rough, but surely we will get there."

Performing and completing the activities Microsoft Outlook Email and Firewall configuration in LabSim was a great new experience. Especially the use of hyperlink in mails to direct recipients of mails to specific sources being mentioned/referred to in the mail.


  1. Hi Aluta! I also learn new skills every time I have this class too. I thought I knew how to use a computer, but I was wrong, I just know the basics.

  2. Hello Aluta, I unfortunately had a rocky start to this class as well but I can say it had gotten better over time.

  3. It’s great to hear that you’re getting back on track with the help of Mr. Wu and the online sessions. It’s also awesome that you’re picking up new skills, even with some familiar content.

  4. Hi Aluta,
    The workload is a little overwhelming, but once you start an assignment, you kind of start to get into the flow of completing even more assignments. I'm glad you committed to sticking it through. Can't wait for the finish line.


  5. Aluta, It sounds like you’ve had a challenging start, but it’s good to hear you’re catching up. The Outlook and Firewall tasks in LabSim seem useful, especially learning how to use hyperlinks in emails. That’s a skill that definitely comes in handy!

  6. Hi Aluta, I also found myself having a rocky start but I related to your commitment to seeing it through. I had found myself being behind in the workload but thankfully I was able to pace myself to be caught up.

  7. It nice to hear I wasn't the only one struggling but I hope things got better for you!

  8. Hey Aluta, I also agree with you and the use of the Outlook. Before I would get so many trash emails and it was annoying to manually go through them to I ended up using one of the rules to help clean things out!

  9. Hi Aluta. It is a large workload. It is good you are catching up. Learning new skills in this class may also help you with the workload.

  10. Hi Aluta, I had a rocky time with the work too and good to know that you are catching up with the workload

  11. Hi Aluta, I'm sure you will do great. Best of luck :)
